September 9

New Trim Trail

trail-6As you are aware the new P1/2 Trim Trail is now completed.  Thank you to the Cornbank School Partnership for all their hard work and support with this.

The children will be using the Trim Track under the supervision of our staff during break and lunchtime which will give them a chance to explore, assess and get a feel for the structures to ensure they understand how to use it safely for themselves and others. I know for all parents’ safety is paramount and I want to ensure that we provide that in our playground for every child.

Please be aware that there will be no staff to supervise before the bell at 8.50am in the morning and at the end of the day. Parents must take full responsibility for their child/ children using the equipment at these times and should advise them accordingly as to whether or not they can use the equipment.

Thank you for your continued support.

Posted September 9, 2016 by cbadmin in category Uncategorized