January 24

Letter of Thanks – Christmas Charity

Please see the attached letter of thanks we received from Mary Smith, Director of Education in Midlothian.  It is lovely to see all our efforts appreciated.

Dear Headteacher, Staff, Pupils and Families of Cornbank Primary School,

I have been made aware your school took part in Charity Fund Raising events that provided food, gifts and toys for those in the various Communities throughout Midlothian. I was amazed by the stories I heard and press interest in this activity.

I cannot emphasise enough the difference this has made to many of our children, young people and their families who were struggling to make sure that their children had food to eat and that their homes were warm on a daily basis never mind adding Christmas into the mix.

Through this kindness and generosity our children and families in need woke up to lovely food and gifts on Christmas day and the difference this made to these families is immense.

Please pass on  my thanks to your fund raisers or Charities Group and ask them to keep up the good work in thinking about those less fortunate than ourselves within the Communities in Midlothian.

Kind Regards,

Dr Mary Smith
Director, Education, Communities and Economy
Midlothian Council
Fairfield House
8 Lothian Road
EH22 3ZG
0131 271 3718

Posted January 24, 2017 by cbadmin in category Uncategorized