Every pupil at Cornbank is a member of one of our four Houses:
- Eagles (yellow)
- Falcons (green)
- Kites (red)
- Ospreys (blue)
Siblings are placed in the same house.
Children earn house points for demonstrating behaviour and attitudes above and beyond what is expected. Each week, at assembly, points are announced and the winning House earns five minutes extra break. At the end of each term, there is a treat for the House with the most points.
Children also work in Houses at different points of the school year, such as during focus weeks and our Pupil Conference.
House Captains
Each house is led by a captain and vice-captain. These are P7 pupils who have been elected by the children within their house. Captains and Vice-Captains meet weekly with Mrs Deas, Principal Teacher, to deliver their manifestos and make improvements across the school.