April 28


This is the first time that Cornbank Primary has been involved with such an exciting initiative and our pupils have thoroughly enjoyed the Rookie Rockstar sessions this week.
RookieAs per the recent flyer distributed, there will be 2 concerts on Tuesday evening – one at 5.30pm for the Eagles and Falcons and the second at 7pm for the Kites and Ospreys.  Tickets are available for purchase and are priced at £5 per adult and under 5 years go free.  There is no cost for any pupil who chooses to perform on the evening and there is no requirement for your child to take part if they do not wish to.
Those taking part in the concert are free to wear their own clothes or can dress in a rock style if they wish.  Eagles and Falcons should arrive for their house concert just before 5.30pm and Kites and Ospreys just before 7pm.  Each concert will last approx 45mins and there will be time afterwards to purchase the recorded CD and any Rookie Rockstars merchandise.
We hope you will enjoy these concerts and look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday evening 🙂
Category: Classes, P1, P1/2, P2, P2/3, P3, P3/4, P4, P5, P6, P7a, P7b | Comments Off on ROOKIE ROCKSTARS
April 25

Walk to School Week – 16th – 20th May

Week commencing 16th May is our next Walk to School Week.

On the Tuesday of that week (17th), we’re having HAPPY SHOESDAY and asking pupils to wear their favourite, brightest, happiest shoes to school.  We’d like to ask you to support your child and encourage you to join in with them on this day.

We hope pupils enjoy taking part and that participation levels are good!

Category: Classes, Nursery, P1, P1/2, P2, P2/3, P3, P3/4, P4, P5, P6, P7a, P7b | Comments Off on Walk to School Week – 16th – 20th May
April 11


BikeWe have registered for The Big Pedal 2016 which is the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge that inspires pupils, staff and parents to choose two wheels for their journey to school.

Details are in the attached flyer or can be found on the website below:

Big_Pedal_2016_Information_Flyer (2)


The challenge runs from Mon 18th April to Friday 29th April and on each day we will record the number of pupils, staff and parents who cycle or scoot to school.

We would love as many children as possible to take part. Don’t forget your helmets!!!

Good luck everyone 🙂

Category: Classes, P1, P1/2, P2, P2/3, P3, P3/4, P4, P5, P6, P7a, P7b | Comments Off on THE BIG PEDAL 2016
March 14


twitter-logoPlease don’t for get to follow the school on Twitter for all the latest news and updates @CornbankPS.

We use this means to share some of the exciting learning and teaching that happens here on a daily basis.

Category: Classes, Nursery, P1, P1/2, P2, P2/3, P3, P3/4, P4, P5, P6, P7a, P7b | Comments Off on Twitter
April 29

Cross Country

The word of the week is “Proud’ and Sam, from P6, should feel very proud of the fantastic poem, he wrote about the Cross Country event,  which, he took part in at Vogrie Park in October.

The Cross Country By Sam

Well done Sam!

Logo 2

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