November 25

Cross Country

The word of the week is “Proud’ and Sam, from P6, should feel very proud of the fantastic poem, he wrote about the Cross Country event,  which, he took part in at Vogrie Park in October.

The Cross Country By Sam

Well done Sam!

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November 20

P6 Guitar Club

Primary 6 are enjoying guitar club, with Mrs Bowen. They are learning a special song, which I’m sure they will share with the rest of the school, when the time is right… but for now…it’s a secret!

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October 23

P6 Visit to New Lanark

Our visit to New Lanark  was great fun and our tour guide, Lesley, was extremely interesting and informative.


The Falls of Clyde were an amazing sight.

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We were taken on a fascinating journey  as we travelled back in time on the Annie McLeod Experience Ride!

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We even had a little time to have fun in the play park.

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The living conditions although much better than some other people of the times, were cramped in comparison to today’s standards…ten people to one room!

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The village shop served the whole community and a few little unwanted customers too…mice and rats!!

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School life in Victorian times was far stricter and we agreed we were much better off nowadays!


It was a fantastic day out for everyone, including the parents who came along to help us.

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