April 29

Primary 3 – PINK!

LI – to write an imagined personal response.


Dear Diary… Wen I wocup I was pink.  I was shoct wen I went duonsdars my mum was shoct to.  We went to the docdrs .  My docdr coodint find the cyoor.  I was sad.  I wotad to go to amerca.  I went to amerca.  I seen fmmggos.  I misd my mum and dad so I went home.

by Aidan


Dear Diary… When I woke up pink I felt shoked so I went to the doctar he could do noufan.  When I went to school evry body laft at me I was embarrast so when I went home I went to Africa.  I swam for 7 days and knits.  When I got there I could do nofing what they could do so I went home and evryone was happy to sea me.  I felt happy.

by Patrick


Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuum I am pink.  I don’t want to be pink.  Why dose it always have to be me all the time.  My friends will laufed at me.  Mum will you come with me to the docter.  Penguins can be blue when they are cold and can be green when they are sick but they can’t be pink but flimingose can be pink and they are birds and you are a bird to ok.  2 hours later – mum evryone at school were teezing me like a baby and evryone are being meen to me.

by Sophie H


Dear Diary… I woke up this morning and I was pink!  I felt angry, sad and weerd.  I went to school.  I had to walk with my frends Lulu and Arthur.  Lulu asced me what hapind? and then I went to the docter.  He got his big book out and seid you go blue if you are coald.  But pink you will just haft to get yoost to being pink.  Get yoost to it are you mad!  Come on my mum seid you haft to go to school.  OK mum I seid and I went to school.  I got laft at.  I felt sad.  I went home.  I told my dad and he just seid Oh thats a shame.  The next day I went to school Lulu seid that her favourite colure was pink but it still didn’t feel much better.

by Shona

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April 29

Acrostic Poetry by P3/4

C astles

A re made for defence and are

S afe for some people like Lords

T he first castles were Motte and Bailey and

L ances are long stick-like weapons that you charge with

E dinburgh Castle is one of the least ruined castles

S words, axes and shields were used.

by Max


C astles are where we live

A nd where we attack our enemy’s

S ee through all our windows

T he buddies are coming

L ead them to the dungeons

E at in our great hall

S lam the door behind us and lock it.

by Ruby H


C ourtyards inner and outer the castle

A ttacking castles a lot

S o many castles

T o attack

L ots ruined

E ven stone castles ruined

S ame people invaded castles.

by Daniel


C astles use to be made out of wood

A rmour was the same so they had coats of arms

S ervants, blacksmiths and knights all lived in a castle

T the castle had a well so they could collect water

L iving in a castle sometimes was tough

E very lord and lady wanted a castle.

by Paige


C astles are sometimes dark

A nd they have rooms in them

S omtimes they have pictures on the walls

T things are kept in them

L ike swords and silver armour

E ven animals were in them too.

by Georgia



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April 29

Our Artwork


P1030135 P1030136

We used the traditional Chinese willow pattern as our inspiration for our plates.

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Positive and Negative Handprints

P1010580 (2) P1010581 (2)

Salad Spinner Art

  P1000809 (2)  P1000810 (2) P1000812 (2)

We have been very busy making our walls look bright and cheerful!

 Primary 1


We used celery and 6 different colours to print scales on to our Rainbow Fish.

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We looked at the work of Andy Warholl.

We were impressed by his use of colour

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We made fireworks pitures using, black paper, colourful paint and glitter.

We used straws dipped in paint to create a firework effect.

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We created self portraits using a variety of materials.  We spoke about our similarities and differences and how we are all unique.

 Primary 2


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Spring has sprung in our class!

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We looked at the line of symmetry.

We made these symmetrical patterns.

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We used charcoal and pastels to create lightening in the night sky.

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We did paintings inspired by Kandinsky’s ‘Farbstudie Quadrate’

We mixed primary colours to make secondary colours for our circles.

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We created beautiful seaside pictures using different materials.

 Primary 2/3

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 We made mosaic patterns.

The Romans sometimes used mosaic patterns to decorate buildings.

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We drew pictures of our cajon performance and said how it made us feel.

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We made our firework pictures by using marbles and paint

and then drew a chalk city to stick on top.

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We made wax resist paintings to show a scene from a story.

We did this by drawing a crayon picture and painting black paint over it.

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Fantastic Mr Fox

 Primary 3

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We imagined we were little mice, looking up to these giant flowers!

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We did these giant poppies to commemorate Remembrance day.

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We used the description of the Roly Poly Bird in ‘The Enormous Crocodile’, as the inspiration for our art.

We used collage skills to create our birds!

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We painted and used collage to create these pictures in the style of Monet.

Primary 3/4

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We’ve been studying the body this term.

We’ve learned such a lot!

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We created these simple Autumn trees by mixing autumn colours.

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We made these very effective skeleton pictures using black paper and staws!


We worked in collaborative groups to complete this story quilt, sharing different parts of the story.

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Just like a jigsaw puzzle, we are all different, individual pieces, that fit together to make a complete picture.

Primary 4

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 We looked at colour and texture to create our fruity artwork.

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We created pictures of the sea using different media.

We thought about the colours we wanted to use and the kind of lines to create different effects.

Primary 5

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We looked at shades of ‘winter’ to create these paintings.

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We used shades of ‘Autumn’ to create these paintings.


We are reaching for the stars!

Primary 6

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We have been studying the rainforest this term.

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Ink Block Prints, inspired by William Morris Patterns

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Portraits of Queen Victoria

Primary 7a

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Chinese Lions are our inspiration for our colourful artwork!

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We based our artwork on traditional Chinese willow patterns and cherry blossom.

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We liked Lichtenstein’s fruit bowl still life.  We used bold, block colours to complete the pieces of fruit.

We used simple black and white repetitive patterns for the background.

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 Pop art self portraits in the style of Roy Lichtenstein.


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Vincent Van Gogh’s painting ‘Sunflowers’, was the inspiration for our artwork.

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We have been learning about different styles of art.  This still life is in a ‘Fauvist’ style.  Fauvism was the first new artistic style of the 20th century and when it was first shown in a Paris art gallery, the contrast to traditional art was so striking that a critic described the artists as ‘Les Fauves’ (wild beasts).  Fauves believed that colour and a strong pattern were more important than being realistic.

P1000789 (2) P1000790 (2)

Monochrome Self Portraits

Category: Artwork | Comments Off on Our Artwork
April 29

Cross Country

The word of the week is “Proud’ and Sam, from P6, should feel very proud of the fantastic poem, he wrote about the Cross Country event,  which, he took part in at Vogrie Park in October.

The Cross Country By Sam

Well done Sam!

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Category: P6, Writing | Comments Off on Cross Country
November 25

Cross Country

The word of the week is “Proud’ and Sam, from P6, should feel very proud of the fantastic poem, he wrote about the Cross Country event,  which, he took part in at Vogrie Park in October.

The Cross Country By Sam

Well done Sam!

Logo 2

Category: P6 | Comments Off on Cross Country
November 20

P6 Guitar Club

Primary 6 are enjoying guitar club, with Mrs Bowen. They are learning a special song, which I’m sure they will share with the rest of the school, when the time is right… but for now…it’s a secret!

P1010687 P1010685 P1010684 P1010683

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